Tuesday 23 June 2009

Yesterday I looked at this again and I thought what does it say about me? It really only says what I am thinking instead of feeling. I want to use this blog to engage in a relationship with people who find my work and photography in general interesting.

Last week I spent the night on Skomer. I went to take pictures of Puffins and fell completely and utterly in love with the place. I've been before for a day trip but at night partly because they work on solar power there is a quietness (except for the birds returning from sea!!!) that brings immediate rest. I lay upstairs in The Chapel last night listening and realized what I could hear was this constant buzz of low sound - I worked out eventually that it is the electrical machines running. It is quiet but always there and on Skomer it was not.

Over one night I felt I had been away for weeks - came back feeling so relaxed. And the puffins - well they are just amazing. There lovely little bodies and their way of being together is wonderful. What I hated was the predatory gulls swooping down and stealing the hard won sand eels from the puffins as they landed. They are so tiny and they try so hard to feed their young yet when they land they wait ages before going to their undergroud nests because if a gull is watching it will take not only the fish but the young pufins too. Spent hours just watching them.

Came away and joined Friends of Skokolm and Skomer see http://www.welshwildlife.org/ for details. Not sure I should be telling you that as part of me wants to selfishly keep the place as secret as possible! But if you go I hope you love it like I do.